Our database includes more than 27,000 different productions, allowing us to compile individual programmes to meet nearly any need. Including all genres from classical productions to the latest music and dance trends, we can offer a wide range of first-class screenings of operas, classical concerts, ballets, contemporary dance, operettas, pop and jazz.
Classical music
We feature some of the finest conducters and orchestras, like Zubin Mehta conducting the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra's New Year´s Concert, violin star Anne-Sophie Mutter with the Royal Concertgebouw, Pierre Boulez conducting the Cleveland Orchestra and the Teatro alla Scala project Messa da Requiem with Daniel Barenboim.
Renowned opera singers like Anna Netrebko as Adina in L'Elisir d'Amore, Grace Bumbry as Carmen at the Salzburg Festival, Piotr Beczala, Joyce DiDonato, Kristin Opolais as Mimi in La Bohème at the MET, Joan Diego Flórez and friends from the Vienna State Opera and Jonas Kaufman enrich our programmes, just to name a few.
This crowd favorite is covered by world-renowned productions like The Merry Widow, Gräfin Mariza, Die Fledermaus and The Land of Smiles – with many more to choose from!
Musical fans will enjoy legendary productions like Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton's America, Westside Story and Kiss me, Kate.
Jazz aficionados can appreciate many different artists from all eras, including Jamiroquai's Avo Session Basel, Ray Charles live at Montreux, Paul Anka – Rock Swinging live in Montreal, Chock Corea, Omara Portuondo, Diana Krall – live at the Montreal Jazz Festival and others.
World music
Our world music films provide a chance to look beyond the familiar and explore other music traditions with films like Hubert von Goisern: Brenna Tuats and Yo-Yo Ma – The Goat Rodeo Session.
Pop music
There's something for everyone in this genre, including Placebo live in London – MTV unplugged, Elvis Presley's 1968 Comeback Special, London's Burning – Campino On The Trail Of Punk, Elton John in Las Vegas and Adele: Live at the Royal Albert Hall.
Contemporary music
Films such as Toktek, The Way Home and In the Mystical Land of Kydara display the exciting variety of contemporary music to your festival audience.
Our programme contains much to satisfy ballet lovers, including productions like Swan Lake from the Bolshoi Theatre, Sleeping Beauty with the Paris Opera Ballet starring Aurélie Dupont and Manuel Legris and the Nutcracker from the Vienna State Opera – among many others.
Contemporary dance
We boast an array of contemporary dance films by renowned choreographers such as Jeroen Verbruggen and Alain Platel as well as productions like BallettBoyz’ Young Men, Being Kristina from Sweden and Momentum, choreographed by Boris Seewald.
Documentaries on icons like David Bowie, the Rolling Stones and Luciano Pavarotti and covering festivals like Music in the Air, Monterey Pop, Mariza Story of Fado and The Nomi Song give fascinating, behind-the-scenes views.
Films like Dance on Screen, Rudolf Nureyev – Dance to Freedom and Graceful Girls show the fascinating world of international dance and its stars, including intimate portraits of famous choreographers like Sasha Waltz, Matz Ek and Alexander Ekman.
Animated features like Peter and the Wolf and Fantasia, the animated opera films of the Operavox series and ballets like Max and Moritz introduce children to the fascinating world of classical music.
We can offer special customised programmes to commemorate outstanding artistic anniversaries like Beethovenjahr 2020, Yehudi Menuhin’s 100th anniversary, Tchaikovsky’s 175th and Frank Sinatra’s 100th birthday et al.
On Tour Programme
Our non-profit initiatives, World Music Films On Tour and Dance Screen On Tour, aim to bring first-rate world music and dance films to a wider public.