Avant Première Talk
‘China Spotlight’


China Intercontinental Communication Center (CICC), established in December 1993, is a comprehensive international cultural communication organisation. It is also one of the earliest Chinese organisations to start international coproductions.

Making their debut at Avant Premiere, CICC introduces the Chinese film, music and media industry and emphasises its successful productions and programmes. Furthermore Chinese culture, partners and its cooperation programmes are examined. Another focus is given on the ‘Video China’ Database, Website and Copyright Trading Platform followed by the ‘Belt & Road’ Media Cooperation Union, which consists of participants from media outlets, cultural ambassadors and cultural agencies from countries along the Belt and Road routes. An interactive discussion on cooperation models completes the CICC Project Launch Event.  

Tuesday 14 Feb 201716:30 - 17:00Scandic Hotel Potsdamer Platz,


Li Mian

Director of CICC Communications & Media Relations

Li Mian is an experienced producer in documentary production and has won various international and local awards. The film and TV department Lian Mian works for is committed to showcasing China’s natural history, culture and social life to the outside world using the medium of movies, TV dramas, documentary films, TV specials and new media video.


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