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Special Presentation ‘Unlocking Digital Cross-Sector Activities In Europe’

Presented by Content Innovation Council, EFM European Film Market and IMZ International Music + Media Centre

The speakers will shed light on the importance of initiatives, platforms and cross-sector collaborations at European level. The talk, moderated by Thierry Baujard (Media Deals), will be followed by a round of Q&A in which the audience can participate in the discussion.


Patricia Castillo

Head of European Programmes at Eurecat

Patricia Castillo is Head of the European Programmes Unit at Eurecat, the Technology Center of Catalonia, Spain. She studied Communication in Venezuela and moved to Barcelona, Spain in 2002 to attend the Master in Communication and Education.

Lucia Recalde

Head of Unit Audiovisual Industry and Media Support Programmes at European Commission

Prior to her work in the DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT) of the European Commission, Lucia Recalde was part of the management of the DG for Education and Culture. Prior to this, she started as policy officer at the Directorate of European Affairs of the Basque Government, joined the European Commission in 1995 and served the DG for Employment and Social Affairs in various positions for 11 years.


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