Vivaldis by Philippe Decouflé ©Heliox Films - Patrick Folliet - Parc National de la Vanoise 2019

dancescreen Vision + Mission

Young Talent Promotion + Professionalisation

dancescreen offers young + aspiring artists the extraordinary opportunity to present dance films not only to the public but also to a professional audience of industry experts – offering a vital career stepping stone. Pitching opportunities facilitate professional collaborations and allow participants to receive personalised advice from seasoned experts.

A front row seat for everyone - reaching new audiences

Promoting dance through audiovisual media allows a broader audience to be reached +inspired. dancescreen builds on that effect as the rousing festival character, together with moderate ticket prices, encourage new and even non-traditional visitors to attend screenings at dancescreen festivals, thereby fostering engagement with the performing arts.

Connecting the industry

dancescreen unites aspiring  +  established filmmakers, directors, choreographers, dance companies, higher educational institutions, festival curators, media institutions as well as experts in distribution, streaming and broadcasting. The tried-and-tested event format  acts  as  a  state-of-the-art  showcase  for  the  latest,  high-quality  dance film productions  and  is  thus  one  of  the  most  important  market  places for programming + acquisitions of cultural TV content. Moreover, dancescreen serves as a recurring b2b event  for the global dance film industry, allowing participants to engage, exchange + network.

Raising profiles + fostering international visibility

As one of the world’s leading dance film festivals, partnering institutions as well as hosting cities benefit from the increased international visibility of dancescreen that comes with the global network of the IMZ. Since major global players as well as emerging  talents from  dance + media  gather for the event,the hosting partner establishes an international reputation as a hotspot for dance on screen.


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