IMZ ACADEMY TUTORIAL: Setting IMZ Standards on Copyright

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Revolutionary IMZ Standards on Metadata + Copyright are being defined, advanced + tested by the IMZ + its member organisations within the framework of the development of IMZ Online Services.

The IMZ + its members are further developing the ISCC – International Standard Content Code to create what already exists for books, but for audiovisual content: an international, content-based standard identification code for films without a profit-oriented agenda. With the ISCC Film Identifier, content-based identification of film assets on IMZ Online Services will be possible for any snippet longer than 2 seconds!

The European Licence Ledger on IMZ Online Services registers all information on asset ownership + licence rights. Combined with content-based identification by the ISCC Film Identifier, state-of-the-art copyright protection is guaranteed.

An open source solution for a modern global market

ISCC is an open source, non-profit solution provided by the ISCC International Standard Code Foundation which can be installed for free on the servers of any market player. Once installed, it generates an identifier based on the digital content (film files, books, music files, etc) by building on four dimensions:

In our case, whenever an audiovisual asset is re-sized, re-assembled or even reused in another creative process, the ISCC Film Identifier recognises the asset even if it has been altered in whatever ways.


IMZ + ISCC: A Match for the Future

The IMZ will use the ISCC for the following purposes:

1. The ISCC is an integrated part of the IMZ Metadata Standard allowing to identify digital assets even if it has been altered.

2. This service is continuously optimised + refined and will be provided to IMZ Members as part IMZ Online Services. This means that the ISCC Film Identifier will be generated by market players themselves for their digital assets, without them leaving their well-protected storages.

3. While ISCC identifies audiovisual assets, the European Licence Ledger on IMZ Online Services registers all information on asset ownership + licence rights. The combination of both allocates possible licence conflicts and initiates conflict resolution processes automatically, thus safeguarding state-of-the art copyright protection.



Katharina Jeschke


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